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Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Springggg is here!

So despite being bummed that 2 out of 3 classes have been cancelled today...well mainly bummed about the money, not so much the free time....I've been having an excellent day.

I had a new class which started today and when I asked Maria if there was anything she'd like to change or focus on more in the class, she told me, "The class today was perfect." She seems a little shy, but I'm excited. I have class with her every day this week before she starts her new job, but probably just once a week after. Good timing though, or I'd have been down to a measly 8 hours this week. 12...not so bad. Plus I have the lucrative Saturday classes where I make 95 euros for 3 hours. Saturday alone pays my rent plus some and they're fun classes too.

After my class I had to go into the city center (aka Tourist Central) to go get a new printer cartridge. It's the only Cortes Ingles that I know sells printer cartridges. Cortes Ingles is a confusing place, but that's for another day. I also stopped at H&M to check out their sale stuff. It's getting warm and I own nothing but tank tops and sweaters...not much in between. Luckily everything was on mega-sale...that I bought anyway...and ended up with some 5 euro shirts, a new pair of leggings (some of mine mysteriously disappeared...I think my 80-year-old neighbor snatched them to wear) and some shorts. Grand total? Less than 50 euros for 7 things. I haven't bought any clothes in Spain because of lack of money, so I feel a little guilty that I spent anything. But I validated it by the fact that i have 3 more hours starting next week (for a total of 5 new hours/week since I've been back) and they're at an office, so I can't really show up in tank tops.

On my way home, the man in front of me on the escalator had a backpack whose zippers featured the brand: Colonel Tapiocca. I thought that was so funny I looked it up online:

Haha, and I thought Korean name brands were wacky! (I remember Omar Sharif umbrellas and Arnold Palmer sandals.) It's sunny and 75 now so I'm gonna head out onto the front patio and enjoy some rays...before summer gets here and I die from heat exhaustion.

Monday, April 4, 2011


I remember my old boss and I talking about my first trip to Spain. "Are all the men there gorgeous?" she asked.

Okay, I have noticed there are a lot of good looking people in Spain...this is allegedly true for most Mediterranean countries. However, in general, I am disgusted by Spanish men. I cringe when I walk by them, awaiting for the creepy catcalls that inevitably follow. I can't enjoy the beautiful park near my house, wear cute spring clothes, or even walk to the metro without fearing a creepy old man (viejo verde)....or creepy YOUNG man will say something disgusting or make vulgar noises in my general direction. I feel violated.

My friends accompanying during my study abroad trip thought I overreacted. My adult students agree it's annoying but tell me stories of friends who walk by construction sites for an ego boost. My roommate just laughed when I ranted about it. I think it's unacceptable.

This is 2011. I should not be made to feel like I'll I'm good for is to look at. Yeah, I'm sure these guys just grew up in this machismo society...that they don't mean anything by it. I don't care. At first I started ignoring it. In winter the layers of clothing make it less common. But now I've snapped and starting reacting. I flick them off, cursing at them in English (I think FUCK YOU is pretty universally understood). Honestly, it is a huge problem to me. Most people find it annoying, irritating, rude. I find it vulgar, condescending and objectifying.

The only solution I can come up with, besides moving out of the country, is to start learning some vulgar things in Spanish. Maybe then they'll get the idea.

Okay, end rant. Thanks for reading my venting.